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If you enjoy cooking, you can sell your delicious meals to people who want food for small dinner parties or celebrations like birthdays.

First look for other caterers in your area and decide which type of catering you can do; in other words, decide what type of foods you want to make and design a competitive menu.

Find customers who will support you by asking your friends and other people and find those who are organising events – target your market by word of mouth. You can offer a discount for referrals.

You will need enough kitchen space to prepare the food and transport to deliver it.

Ensure that you have adequate meat and vegetable suppliers: write lists of products you will need to begin a catering business. Give your suppliers flyers to give to their customers so that they can help to promote your new business.

As this business grows and you get more customers, you can then cater for bigger parties.



  • Start-up Capital: $100
  • Space required: Cooking facilities and preparation areas
  • Equipment: Stove and pots etc required for the type of food you choose to make
  • Specific skills: A basic knowledge of cooking


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